Reports, complaints and appeals
Reports and complaints may be submitted by e-mail, certified e-mail, fax or regular mail.
Before sending a report or making a complaint, please note that:
- Anonymously submitted messages will not be accepted, in order to avoid reports made for speculative purposes or disruption of competition.
- The accuracy of the data entered will be checked before the processing procedure is started.
- The protection of the personal data of all persons using the complaints and whistleblowing service is guaranteed and anonymity is ensured in the processing, if requested by the user.
- Please note that in the case of reports referring to possible criminal offences committed by Meridiana staff, and for all complaints and appeals, the Committee for Safeguarding Impartiality (CSI) will also be informed.
- Istituto Meridiana undertakes to provide a response to the complainant within 30 working days.
A report differs from a complaint in that it does not necessarily imply dissatisfaction with the services or products purchased, but indicates behaviors that are not in line with the relevant technical standard (ISO 9001, etc.)
A complaint, on the other hand, is intended to express the dissatisfaction of any type of user (consumer, client organization, Public Administration, etc.) with the use of a service provided, or the purchase of a product sold by an organization certified by Istituto Meridiana.
Before submitting a report or a complaint, you must be sure that you are highlighting a behavior (of Istituto Meridiana or of one of its customers) actually related to the system certification activities carried out by Istituto Meridiana.
Before sending your message, please consult the Register of Certified Organizations available on request and the Accredia databases at www.accredia.it.
Istituto Meridiana will follow up on any messages received that relate to its own functions or those of its client organizations.
Reports and complaints can be sent in the following ways:
- by e-mail to: segnalazioni@istitutomeridiana.it
- by certified e-mail to the address: istitutomeridiana@pec.it
- by fax to: (+39) 0824 094559
- by mail to: Via Cirignano (Villette Sirio) – 82016 Montesarchio (BN) ITALY
An appeal is a request addressed by the client organization to Istituto Meridiana for reconsideration of a decision taken against it.
Appeals can be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt or by e-mail, within 15 working days of notification of the decision taken by Istituto Meridiana.
For further indications and/or clarifications concerning the management of reports, complaints and appeals, consult the Rules for the Certification of Management Systems (RG01) available in the “Download” section.